I did not expect Scott to show up with story for Pitch Night. Scott is a personal friend, a LORE volunteer and a story lover. Scott is not your center of attention type of guy, in fact, Scott is very much the opposite. His piercing, baby blue eyes will definitely pull you into conversation, but the careful way he shifts the focus seems to intentionally turn the spotlight away from himself, allowing others to soak up the attention. And so, I am surprised that he has a story to tell and agrees to share it on stage.
When he steps onto the platform, his nervous laughter proceeds his confession that he is uncomfortable with the stage and the microphone and the audience. And when his story begins I am unsure of where he is going with it. It does not seem to be a story about hunger at all.
We are laughing and following his adventures and descriptions, flying high with him in the delight of the moment. And then he drops the revelation and we all breathe in. There it is. The vulnerable twist in the story that I did not expect.
I am not going to reveal any more about Scott’s story. You will have to come to the event to hear it. I will tell you this: it is brave and bold. And Scott is stepping outside of his comfort zone in a very big way to bring it to you, because that is what brave and bold people do.
So, if you want to hear Scott’s story, buy a ticket. Sponsor the event. Be there.